
Monday, February 22, 2016

Gospel Ponders

I have fasted this month and have looked for ways that I can better strengthen my relationship with my Heavenly Father. Today while doing my scripture studies I had a thought come into my head. I felt that I should study specific topics and write down my thoughts on them. Since I already have a personal blog I thought that I could create a new place where I can save my thoughts. I'm doing this for me. At the end of each topic I'll post my thoughts here.

I know that The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints is true. I have a testimony of this gospel. I have a testimony in God and the godhead. I have a testimony of the doctrine found in the scriptures. I have a testimony in modern and personal revelation. I know that our Heavenly Father loves each one of us and wants to bless us all. I am not perfect but I know that He is.

I am a wife and a mother but most importantly I am a daughter of God. If I want to be with my family forever I need to do my best in developing Christlike attributes. It's never to late to start learning all we can about Him and His plan for us. Line upon line, precept upon precept (2Nephi 28:30).

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